Evan & Joy D.

Evan and Joy Drake are missionaries in Togo, West Africa. Joy comes from N. Florida and Evan from North Carolina. They attended Piedmont Bible College and Grace Theological Seminary.  They moved to France in 1987, planting churches and leading a Bible Institute. After 15 years of fruitful ministry, they returned to the US, pastoring in Virginia before joining MissioServe Alliance in 2008, working out of headquarters in Tampa, FL.  They moved to Togo, W. Africa in 2016 to help start Hope Radio, an outreach and discipling ministry in a predominately Muslim and animist context. Hope Radio is the communication arm of Hope Hospital, a 50-bed hospital in Mango, Togo that seeks to minister to the whole person through the love of Christ. Evan and Joy prepare French language bible-based programs and help put them into local African languages. They are also involved in local evangelism and village church planting. They are responsible for leadership trading for the mission work in northern Togo, helping to equip pastors and leaders for our churches and church plants. Evan also serves as dean of the Savannah Bible Institute. They have 5 adult sons and 11 grandchildren.

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