"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and worthy of praise, he is to be feared above all gods." Psalm 96:3-4

Everett & Sophia J.

Everett and Sophia are currently training with MissioSERVE to be sent by Gateway Bible Fellowship to serve as missionaries in the Republic of Georgia! They met in 2020 and developed a love for youth ministry and cross-cultural missions that reached a peak after a short-term trip to Georgia in the summer of 2023. After a few months of prayerful consideration, saying their marriage vows to each other, and a couple of changes of heart, they decided serving long-term in Georgia was something God was calling them to pursue despite the unknowns. Everett and Sophia are early in the discovery process but envision making disciples who are fit to lead and church plant alongside them. They may use their careers in nursing (Sophia) and cybersecurity (Everett) to help in their church-planting endeavors.

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